Looking to unlock your organisations full potential?

Corporate training programmes can help.

Star Leadership Corporate Training Solutions

Transform your organisation with our customised corporate training programmes, designed to cultivate a positive, productive culture that drives growth and fosters unity.

Authentic Leadership

Embrace leadership with depth. Drive mission-focused goals while fostering genuine team connections. 

Leader as Coach

Create a coaching culture to build self-awareness, emotional intelligence and communication that accesses the collective intelligence of the people in your organisation.

Executive Coaching

Transform your corporate culture with our tailored programmes, designed to cultivate a positive, productive culture that drives growth and fosters unity.

Powerful Teams

Elevate collaboration with our Powerful Teams programme. Unite, ignite, and achieve unparalleled success. Together, we redefine high performance and set the gold standard for powerful teams.

Mentorship Programmes

Supercharge your organization’s growth and talent development through our comprehensive mentorship programme, equipping mentors with the skills to shape future success

Enneagram Team Development

Unlock your team’s full potential with our Enneagram Team Development, tailored to drive self-awareness, improve collaboration, and supercharge company productivity.

Diversity & Inclusion

Embrace diversity, foster inclusion, and cultivate belonging with our impactful Diversity & Inclusion programme, building a culture where everyone feels valued and empowered.

From Stress to Wellbeing

Unlock the secret to thriving in a high-pressure world with this transformative course, which will empower you to shift from stress to  wellbeing.

Equipped for the journey ahead?

Stay on track with your journey to self-discovery, to being real, true, free and fully self-expressed with the Be STAR mobile app:

Psychometric Assessments

Decoding minds: Unlocking insights for enhanced people development.

Star 360 Authentic Leadership

The 360 Authentic Leadership Assessment comes with a personalised candidate report. We believe this assessment will provide a powerful platform to support a self-mastery journey and provide the necessary input for each candidate to define actions and short, medium- and long-term goals to address leadership development areas.


The Hogan suite of assessments is a premier Executive assessment range offering powerful insight into personal characteristics that facilitate and enable success. It also supports effective Talent Acquisition (reducing turnover, hiring top talent, organisational fit) and Talent Development (self-insight by understanding strengths and weaknesses)


The Enneagram is a cutting edge tool for developing emotional intelligence and presents a framework for understanding yourself and others. It helps you discover the patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving that either support or act as a barrier to a healthy relationships.

Speak to one of our consultants to share your needs and find out how we can fulfil them.


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Please complete your details below with a short description of what you need and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

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