Authentic Leadership

Unearth the Power of your Genuine Self in Guiding Others

Programme overview

Authentic leadership is characterized by individuals with strong integrity who make principle-driven decisions. Guided by their inner compass, they earn trust from employees, peers, and shareholders, fostering a positive work environment and enhancing team performance. This Authentic Leadership programme equips you with skills to nurture trust, drive open communication, and foster ethical relationships in your teams. It empowers self-awareness and ethical decision-making, fuelling employee engagement and a thriving workplace culture.

What you will learn

Participants will gain insights into a leadership approach anchored in integrity and foresight. The course will equip attendees with tools to foster genuine trust, optimize team collaboration, and align leadership actions with your organization’s vision. Attendees will learn to nurture relationships within their teams, emphasizing long-term vision and purpose.

Our 360 Authentic Leadership Assessment measures your ability to create psychological safety, transparency, authenticity, and responsibility—the foundation of an engaged culture and provides a development path to get there.

Who should attend?

Our programme is ideal for organisations striving to cultivate authentic leadership and foster a culture rooted in sanctuary (psychological safety), transparency, authenticity, and responsibility (S.T.A.R). It’s beneficial for leaders aiming to integrate these values to boost performance, engagement, innovation, and resilience. Anyone in a leadership role or aspiring to be a leader, from new managers to seasoned executives, can benefit from exploring and cultivating their authentic leadership style.

What are the benefits?

Organizations led by authentic leaders often report higher levels of trust, engagement, and workplace satisfaction, which can lead to improved performance and retention rates. Authenticity in the workplace fosters strong relationships, trust, productivity, and a positive environment. By enrolling your leaders in this course, your organization bolsters their emotional intelligence, communication skills and their ability to create psychological safety.

Meet the facilitators

Savannah Steinberg, MCC

Mark Fraser Grant

Authentic Leadership FAQs

We offer customised training solutions so the duration can vary depending on the intention you have for your organisation. We can run it as a 6-month programme, 12 months or 18-month programme. We can also do a 2-day programme with Monthly Maintenance sessions post training. To gain the most value from this investment we encourage our clients to pursue the most comprehensive approach to Authentic Leadership.

While some leadership experience can be beneficial, it's not mandatory. The primary requirement is an openness to self-reflection and personal growth.


We recommend Monthly Maintenance sessions to stay connected to the content and to continue to build and develop this competence. We also recommend executive coaching sessions to support participants to integrate and apply their learnings.


Training can be online over Zoom or Teams or face-to-face, or a hybrid approach.

Yes. We offer customizable training modules to better fit the specific needs and challenges of your organization.

The Authentic Leadership Assessment (STAR360) provides 360-degree feedback on a leader's current ability to create Sanctuary (Psychological Safety), Transparency, Authenticity, and Responsibility, the bedrock of a conscious, empowered, and engaged culture. The ALA (STAR 360) comes with a personalised candidate report. We believe this assessment will provide a powerful platform to support a self-mastery journey and provide the necessary input for each candidate to define actions and short, medium- and long-term goals to address leadership development areas.

Authentic Leadership, according to STAR, embodies the principles of Sanctuary, Transparency, Authenticity, and Responsibility. Leaders create Psychological Safety (Sanctuary) where individuals feel secure expressing themselves and trusting others genuinely. Transparency involves consistent communication and open, accurate information disclosure. Authentic leaders exhibit consistency in word and deed and a willingness to be vulnerable. They encourage employees to openly share concerns, take risks, admit mistakes, and contribute actively to problem-solving.
We offer customised training solutions so the duration can vary depending on the intention you have for your organisation. We can run it as a 6-month programme, 12 months or 18-month programme. We can also do a 2-day programme with Monthly Maintenance sessions post training. To gain the most value from this investment we encourage our clients to pursue the most comprehensive approach to Authentic Leadership.
While some leadership experience can be beneficial, it’s not mandatory. The primary requirement is an openness to self-reflection and personal growth.
We recommend Monthly Maintenance sessions to stay connected to the content and to continue to build and develop this competence. We also recommend executive coaching sessions to support participants to integrate and apply their learnings.
Training can be online over Zoom or Teams or face-to-face, or a hybrid approach.
Yes. We offer customizable training modules to better fit the specific needs and challenges of your organization.
The Authentic Leadership Assessment (STAR360) provides 360-degree feedback on a leader’s current ability to create Sanctuary (Psychological Safety), Transparency, Authenticity, and Responsibility, the bedrock of a conscious, empowered, and engaged culture. The ALA (STAR 360) comes with a personalised candidate report. We believe this assessment will provide a powerful platform to support a self-mastery journey and provide the necessary input for each candidate to define actions and short, medium- and long-term goals to address leadership development areas.

Speak to one of our consultants to share your needs and find out how we can fulfil them.


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Please complete your details below with a short description of what you need and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

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