CC6 Listens Actively


How do we better listen and focus on what the coachee is not saying to fully understand, and help them understand, what they’re communicating? How do we take a systems thinking approach to how we listen to our coachee?

Together we will explore how to :

  • Ensure we’re only responding to what the client brings to the session.
  • Get curious about the words the client uses. Enquire about emotions.
  • Notice changes in coachee energy or non-verbal cues.
  • Help the coachee think about their thinking and how they perceive things in their world.
  • Give enough space and time for our coachee to speak, without interrupting as well as how to use interruption strategically for those coachees that would benefit from it.
  • To succinctly summarize vs repetitively mirror back what our client has said to us.

June 2024

Wednesday 5th 8.00 – 10.00

Thursday 27th 16.00 – 18.00

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