Complete Create (Every quarter)

Maximize Your Goal Achievement and Create Yearly Success




3 hours every quarter December, March, June, September


R1500/session Incl VAT
Payment plans available

Next programme starts

1 December 2023 | 9.00 – 12.00
*Need a minimum of 4 to go ahead

Programme overview

This programme is here to help you stay on track with the goals and dreams you have for each year. Too often we have beautiful dreams that leave us motivated and inspired, but then the year gets going and they soon get pushed into the background while we pour all our time and energy into our work and family lives. This programme is called COMPLETE CREATE because that’s what we do. We first Complete the year or the previous quarter by taking time to celebrate your wins and bring presence to the breakthrough’s you have had. We then shift focus into Creating the new year, or clarifying the focus for the next quarter. By connecting regularly in a platform designed to help you stay on track, you can add meaning and purpose to your life and make your dreams come true!

What you will learn

Attending this programme equips you with valuable skills and insights. You’ll learn effective goal-setting techniques, strategies for staying motivated, and how to maintain consistent progress. We’ll guide you in annual reflections, helping you celebrate successes and identify areas for improvement. You’ll develop a clear vision for the coming year and master quarterly check-ins to stay connected to your goals.

Who should attend?

EVERYONE! Whether you’re an individual looking for personal growth or a professional striving to enhance your career, this programme provides valuable tools and guidance to help you succeed.

What you’ll get

This programme offers a wealth of benefits. You’ll master effective goal-setting, maintain motivation, and celebrate successes through annual reflections. Develop a clear vision for the future, stay consistent with quarterly check-ins, and gain confidence in your goal-setting abilities. With accountability and improved productivity, you’ll acquire lifelong skills while experiencing personal growth and fulfilment as you achieve your aspirations.

Meet the facilitators

Carrie Nidd, PCC

Meet the facilitators

Carrie Nidd, PCC

Facilitator, Coach, Mentor

Complete Create FAQs

Absolutely! The goal achievement skills you acquire are transferable and applicable to various aspects of your life, from career aspirations to personal growth objectives.

We provide the guidance, structure, and support you need to turn your aspirations into tangible results, whether they are personal, professional, or a mix of both. This programme is designed to enhance your goal-setting skills, boost motivation, and keep you on track towards realizing your dreams and ambitions.

Unlike traditional methods, this programme goes beyond setting goals. We provide consistent check-ins, guidance, and a supportive community to ensure you stay motivated and connected to your objectives. We emphasize reflection and quarterly check-ins, making sure you're on track and continually adapting your goals to align with your evolving aspirations and circumstances.

What our customers are saying

Get in touch for programme costs and additional info


Please complete your details below with a short description of what you need and we will reply to you as soon as possible.


Please complete your details below with a short description of what you need and we will reply to you as soon as possible.


Please complete your details below with a short description of what you need and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

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